
Hotel Alpenstern

Hotel Alpenstern

Damüls, Austria

Photos: Günther Egger

Alpenstern Panoramahotel, Damüls, Austria, offers a luxurious alpine retreat for nature lovers and adventurers alike. Renowned for its breathtaking views and superior hospitality, the hotel combines modern elegance with traditional charm, providing guests with an unforgettable mountain experience. During winter, it becomes a haven for ski lovers, providing direct access to some of Austria's best slopes and a perfect base for winter sports enthusiasts. 

Prolicht was entrusted with enhancing the ambiance of Hotel Alpenstern Damüls, reflecting its blend of comfort and sophistication. The HYPRO, OIKO, MAGIQ, CENTRIQ, and INVADER products were carefully selected to complement the hotel’s aesthetic and functional requirements, creating a luxurious environment that harmoniously blends contemporary design with the natural beauty of the Austrian Alps. 

Whether for skiing in the winter or enjoying alpine beauty year-round, the hotel's enhanced lighting design ensures every moment is perfectly illuminated.