Montreal, CanadaArchitecture: Inside Studio | Photos: Stephane Brugger
For the cybersecurity company OneSpan in Montreal, various lighting fixtures were provided in collaboration with Inside Studio for the outstanding new office. PROLICHT supplied its exquisite luminaires from the SIGN and INVADER product families. Our lights, known for their high quality and innovative design, contributed to emphasizing the modern and inviting ambiance of the office.
PROLICHT and Inside Studio shared a common vision for the project, aiming to combine the historical characteristics of the building with modern elements to create a unique workspace. The playful light installations by PROLICHT added special accents and gave the room a unique flair.
Inside Studio's choice to collaborate with PROLICHT was based on the desire to combine the best of both worlds: the creative and innovative design of Inside Studio with the high-quality and stylish lighting from PROLICHT. The results of this collaboration speak for themselves, as OneSpan's office not only became a showcase for modern and functional design but also won the "Best of Canada" award in the office category.